中銀信用卡特選卡戶專享 Kiehl's優惠寄件者:<[email]boccc.promotion@boci.com.hk[/email]>
主旨:中銀信用卡特選卡戶專享 Kiehl's優惠
[attach]46190[/attach] 無野睇? 無野睇x2:o 我搵晒成個中銀網頁都搵唔到:smilies03:
回覆4# mercurywong 的帖子
Help help help!I sent the email to you yahoo email &p.m.you. Please help me find what's wrong an post the picture. Waiting you reply me.回覆6# mercurywong 的帖子
Thanks a lot! Yesterday I find I can't post any thing to the getjetso.com. But I don't know what happen,maybe my computer has problems and other problem.回覆 7# bonnieszesh 的帖子
你係用ie,下次試試用firefox,會好好多 i can see the pic now wor~ 需要中銀card? Thanks a lot for posting ar~I'm BOC creadit card holder but didn't recieve this email
today i can get the sample at Harbour City by printing this pic.:) oh~無中銀咭tim!! I GOT IT TODAY! I am not yet have time go to take it! Very busy tim! Hope can take it next week la! i dun hv the card,,cant get it la
hope u all can get it la