Aesop Perfect Facial Hydrating Cream(至10年9月15日)
heading...Aesop Perfect Facial Hydrating Cream
2010年8月31日星期二下午 3:54
[attach]45201[/attach] 我都收到EMAIL,但今日去換,有email heading,佢竟然同我講話已經完左......果時我冇留意日期都俾佢窒左一窒,之後都冇問佢就走左 facess 話下個星期一、二先有~ Aesop no always to given the sample! CWB already out of stock ......:smilies55: ytd night still no stk wor~ i tried and they said no stock too.. so fast~~~
no one can get???? Any one know this brand ba long air and hard sell ma?Please report!
Thanks a lot!
回覆8# bonnieszesh 的帖子
i think TST faces is better...CWB TS more hardsell the male ba of CWB LC is quite ok la,no hard sell . 今日去左cwb no stk this brand 好小冇貨架喎..why this time no stock ?頁: