Dermagram Serum Free Samples(至10年8月31日)
Recently,I saw the advertising to get the free samples on the media,such as magazine and newspaper.I went to the website and found it the same,but no deadline mentioned (just indicate first come first served).Sisters,please go to register and you will receive the coupon by e-mail immediately.Hope you like it and give me sum sum.:smilies28:[attach]44989[/attach]
[url][/url] 只限新客戶
anyway thx! I tried it before.BA is quite hard sell so sis may be take care. 好HARDSELL AR
我唔係咁想去LO 呢間野又唔算太出名,些sample每次只限新會員先換得,邊有咁多新會員呀,況且每次推出新產品,又唔比舊客試用又點知好,想買黎用都唔敢啦,點sell都冇用 想換ge sis留意,,換sample係要填埋id 頭5個字(包埋第1個英文字母) [quote]原帖由[i]cathyb[/i]於2010-8-25 10:14 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
想換ge sis留意,,換sample係要填埋id 頭5個字(包埋第1個英文字母)[/quote]
回覆7# feifei_ng 的帖子
唔使~ umm...上次去中環mtr果間好難得冇hard sell我...但係就俾人黑面..:smilies25: i use the coupon in newspaper.very very hard sell.won't go anymore and attitude change after i said i won't buy.............. 我上星期用報紙coupon去換,又話要做test又要當場試下又要比佢sell:smilies38:,之後又要填資料再查電腦又無登記過:smilies62:,跟住又話我 the ba of this brand in CWB is so hard sell,so I will not go to there again MK is one of the hard sell shop which sell me over 30 minutes at last time.Too bad.:smilies34:頁: