=help=YAMANO 公司電話
有冇sis 知yamano 公司電話??揾過web site,唔見有. Yamano
this onE?
回覆1# fannykmc 的帖子
Please see whether the following links are useful to you:[url=http://www.yamano.com.hk/c4_1.asp]http://www.yamano.com.hk/c4_1.asp[/url]
回覆1# fannykmc 的帖子
Have you want complaint this brand service? Please share!This brand felt high and expensive price! Recently promotion but can't get sample la! 16/8,I go to K11,BA told me this sample no stocks then she ingore me! [quote]原帖由[i]bonnieszesh[/i]於2010-8-17 00:52 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=951617&ptid=370689][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Have you want complaint this brand service?Please share!
This brand felt high and expensive price!Recently promotion but can't get sample la!16/8,I go to K11,BA told me this sample no stocks then s ...[/quote]
i went to K11 Yamano last night around 7pm too...........an old BA said the sample mask is out of stock,but she gave me another cleansing sample...........quite nice lei............
回覆4# bonnieszesh 的帖子
my fd go to there on Sat,she told me just around 1.xxpm....at least 5-6 "C9"in front of her to take sample,most of them dunno how to fill-in the form,ask many questions and near 5 mins per 1 c9...BA said near no stk as many ppl go to take very early wor:smilies25: 本來冇諗住講,見有人開post,我又分享下:呢間野令人一d好感都冇,禮拜六中午去到,有個串串地嘅sales話因為佢哋係貴價brand,所以吸引到好多人拎sample,咁都唔緊要,最弊係佢話咩公司預100份一早派晒,如果你驚敏感就要買套set試下(<-------出面大把選擇點解要比$買來試??),另外再強調「因為佢哋係貴價brand」所以只會顧客買野有出單出至比sample,言下之意即係冇replacement,因此未去嘅sis可以慳返都得~
[[i] 本帖最後由 missbarbie 於 2010-8-17 10:58 編輯 [/i]] [quote]原帖由[i]bonnieszesh[/i]於2010-8-17 00:52 發表[url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=951617&ptid=370689][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Have you want complaint this brand service?Please share!
This brand felt high and expensive price!Recently promotion but can't get sample la!16/8,I go to K11,BA told me this sample no stocks then s ...[/quote]
回覆8# missbarbie 的帖子
This brand come from Japan,Hong Kong Boss is Ex-Miss AsiaLosa(Law Lai Sa). She using many money fight down many other people to buy this brand to Hong Kong. So,the market price very 'stand hard'ga. And this brand little promote before in Hong Kong. I know this time is first to give sample. This brand target customer is rich woman. I mean no sample taken why need try this brand. Try other can get sample see the quality sin. [quote]原帖由[i]bonnieszesh[/i]於2010-8-17 00:52 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=951617&ptid=370689][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Have you want complaint this brand service?Please share!
This brand felt high and expensive price!Recently promotion but can't get sample la!16/8,I go to K11,BA told me this sample no stocks then s ...[/quote]
冇錯,我想向呢間公司投訴d ba.
如其他sis所講,呢隻高檔牌子好少有sample攞.我星期日中午12時10分去到k11,唸住換sample.去到時見到個閘落咗一半,有個清潔工人吸塵. 我以為未開門,望極門口又冇表示開門時間,唔知幾時開.於時問下清潔工人呢到幾時開,下次再去.清潔工人話開咗啦,不過個個員工入咗去,冇出嚟.
於是我就話,我可唔可以入嚟,我想換sample. 清潔工人話入嚟先,佢就幫我入去揾人幫我.
等咗一陣(在此期間,我攞咗d 單張睇下,見到開門時間是上午10時- 下午10時),有個ba出嚟話換完. 再問佢返唔返,就話唔會,又話噚日(星期6)上午已派完.
其實冇得換都唔喺大問題,最大問題喺ba跟住話"其實我地落咗閘??" 我聽到後好嬲,好似我強行入去,換唔到sample唔走咁.但現在是開門時間,又落閘清潔,又唔掛牌話稍後片刻.又冇開門時間顯示.是如此告知客人唔做生意,快d調頭走啦???
回覆10# fannykmc 的帖子
i very understand yr feeling...This brand is expensive and target rich woman,even dunno the quality,but BA is inch (like GA,BA can no eye contact,no greeting,no "voice"for whole sample taking process)my fd said there're a lot of C9,even dunno what is "mask"still go to take sample.So that sample run out so fast...BA not polite is very "common"and i will not let them gain my $$law
回覆11# YYBB 的帖子
Forgot this brand la!It maybe not suitable for young girl la!for rich woman la!頁: