philosophy產品香港邊度仲有得賣?sogo d counter 上年就執左,
邊度仲可以買呢? 應該冇counter 喇,你try 下去佢既spa/facial (spa ph+)睇下冇有得買!!
回覆2# nicole619 的帖子
remind all sister,this spa ph+,ba very hard sell,very terrible ga. 好似有得賣,但D貨應該唔多齊 [quote]原帖由[i]bonnieszesh[/i]於2010-8-5 22:03 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]remind all sister,this spa ph+,ba very hard sell,very terrible ga.[/quote]
yes ~very hard sell ! 早兩日在銅鑼灣雅施見過 [quote]原帖由[i]slian[/i]於2010-8-24 10:40 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
thanks,which shop? Aster 雅施化粧品中心
[url=,114.183403&sspn=0.000936,0.00169&brcurrent=3,0x34040055b36dac7f:0x23fa8b1e7120c6a,0,0x3404004c435d4ad9:0x6e0e524894ae1a66&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=%E5%88%A9%E5%9C%92%E5%B1%B1%E9%81%9321%E8%99%9F&ll=22.27902,114.182957&spn=0.001871,0.00338&z=18]MAP[/url] [quote]原帖由[i]slian[/i]於2010-8-25 10:36 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
Aster 雅施化粧品中心
MAP [/quote]
thanks! on 27/8 I go to Aster 雅施化粧品中心Tuen Mun Town shop. I buy one travel kit(2 pc of Shampoo and shower gel(The smell very good ga &one minute mask) total 3 pcs.HK$20. The price and size so ok! [quote]原帖由[i]bonnieszesh[/i]於2010-8-28 01:12 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
on 27/8 I go to Aster 雅施化粧品中心Tuen Mun Town shop.I buy one travel kit(2 pc of Shampoo and shower gel(The smell very good ga &one minute mask)total 3 pcs.HK$20.The price and size so ok![/quote]
Thanks!What is product name ar?
only one packing?
回覆11# saltedfish 的帖子
the great mystery(one-minute daily facial)14.2g (bottle)falling in love(bath &shower gel)59.2 ml
grace(perfumed shampoo,bath &shower gel)59.2 ml (bottle)
The above 3 products for one pack =HKD$20
The price very ok law! HKD$20 have 3 products woo!
If you have interest,hurry up to go to shop to see see la. The products placed at near front of cashier 好鐘意grace 既味,但幾時到期架?!
回覆13# nicole619 的帖子
How can I know the expire day?See the what?頁: