Anna Sui - Free Nail Service(至10年7月31日)
Play the game (click 美甲體驗)and you will get the free coupon for free nail service.Sisters,enjoy it.Please give me sum sum if it is useful for you.:smilies28:[url][/url] 開唔到 唔知洗唔洗BOOK 時間呢? Print左lu~
整完返黎再報告~~ 姐係去到幫我gel埋甲?
有冇咁so 使唔使打去book架?
我登記之後禁錯制,冇print 度呀~
搞到要借呀妹個名tim..:funk: 有冇sis試左返黎? 我頭先打左去TST Sogo anna sui counter問,ba 話要book 時間,同埋只係做2隻指甲~
回覆8# milk_milk_2005 的帖子
2隻指甲? FACESS 話咗full booking張coupon 去度19/7 佢都係咁同我講....明明就去到31/7 2隻5 print lu:smilies49: how can just be 2 only?!they are really crazy!!can't believe Anna Sui is that cheap!!:smilies41: 2隻,離唔離譜D~頁: