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Sophia 發表於 2010-7-14 19:50

Clarins 流動纖顏教室- Skin Time,完成後可獲纖顏緊緻精華5ml(至10年8月8 ]- Q5 z4 a6 f1日)

CLARINS (Hong Kong)CLARINS街上流動車纖顏教室:專業美容顧問為您塑造V形輪廓,您- i* @$ Q- u5 \. o可享受Skin Time,完成後可獲纖顏緊緻精華5ml.Please go to get the samples from below specific date &location.Please give me sum sum if you like.:smilies28:

7月15日12:30pm-2:30pm - 尖沙- G. T& w! R- d咀金馬倫道,6:00pm-8:30pm- 尖沙咀海防道
7月16日12:30pm-2:30pm - 旺角西洋- }% b& [! p- l I; P菜街,6:00pm-8:30pm- 朗豪坊
7月: }$ j, ~# `* b; m0 {17日12:30pm-8:30pm - 銅鑼灣百德新街
7月18日12:30pm-8:30pm - 尖沙咀海* d! O! j0 O( A防道
7月19日12:30pm-2:30pm,6:00pm-8:30pm- 鰂魚涌太古坊(海光街)
7月20日12:30pm-2:30pm - 中環環球大廈1 ?' D0 \2 A# A門口,6:00pm-8:30pm- 中環租庇利街
7月21日12:30pm-2:30pm - 尖沙咀金馬倫道; L: {# [ {4 u,6:00pm-8:30pm- 尖沙咀海防道
7月22日12:30pm-2:30pm - 旺角西洋菜街,6:00pm-8:30pm- 旺角朗豪坊門口
7月23日12:30pm-2:30pm - 銅鑼灣地帶門口,6:00pm-8:30pm- 銅鑼灣百德新街
7月24日12:30pm-8:30pm - 尖沙咀海防道
7月25日12:30pm-2:30pm - 旺角旺角朗豪坊& b! Z' B$ E, G門口
7月26日12:30pm-2:30pm - 中環環球大廈門口,6:00pm-8:30pm- 中環租庇利2 i: A/ k' ?' t( S; F: F8 k
7月26日12:30pm-2:30pm - 中環環球大廈門口,6:00pm-8:30pm- 中環租庇利街$ R$ E# p' b5 `" v% y
7月27日12:30pm-2:30pm - 銅0 j) x3 m/ i鑼灣地帶門口,6:00pm-8:30pm- 銅鑼灣總統戲院對( t* ]; W1 a7 Y( f
7月28日12:30pm-2:30pm - 尖沙咀金馬倫道,6:00pm-8:30pm- 尖沙咀海防道
7月29日12:30pm-2:30pm - 旺角! [% u7 [! y7 Z西洋菜街,6:00pm-8:30pm- 旺角朗豪坊門口
月30日12:30pm-2:30pm,6:00pm-8:30pm- 鰂魚涌太古坊附近
7月31日12:30pm-8:30pm - 銅鑼灣總統戲院對出
8月1日12:30pm-8:30pm - 尖沙咀海防道


[[i] 本帖最後由 Sophia 於 2010-7-29 20:05 編輯 [/i]](http://www.GetJetso.com - 著數網提供最新著數優惠情報,股市討論,潮流時尚美容討論拍賣及易物服務)

jin 發表於 2010-7-14 20:29

do you know the specific location?

inyaoo 發表於 2010-7-15 21:20

今晚路過尖沙咀看到這車在新港中心對面(即mtr A出口向屈臣氏方向那邊),但沒什麼人排的?不知是不是很HARD SELL 因我趕時間上LESSON所以沒去看!有沒有SISTER TRY 了!:smilies51:

chyjanet 發表於 2010-7-16 09:33

回覆3# inyaoo 的帖子

I also passed by there last night at about 8:15 and saw the big truck~also no queueing and there were two girls asking ppl to go on the truck~
I went on the truck in which there were only two seats and two BA.One BA was talking with another customer and the other BA asked me to sit down and fill in some infomation (name,tel.no.and email address).Then she introduced the product and showed me how to use.It took about 1 to 2 minutes and then I could get the 5ml sample and go.No hard sell at all and the BA was very nice ~~

hypergirl 發表於 2010-7-17 00:44

yes,no worry hard sell ar cos the truck is just for promotion,no products there for sell ga
since i work in Langham Place,then i went to the truck there around 6:15pm,when i walk up the truck stairs,the BA just chatting and nothing to do cos no customer inside.There are 2 BAs and 2 promotion girls (not the same unifrom as the BAs).After i went to the truck,then the promotion girl sin go down to the street to distribute leaflet to ask ppl come jar.
The BA will ask u to look down on the mirror to see the excess fat of your face,then she will put toner,纖顏緊緻精華,Whitening Lotion and UV Sunblock on your arm,after all these and teach you all the steps of how to use the serum to massage the face,then can get the 5ml sample na,good :smilies21:

tungtungtung 發表於 2010-7-19 14:52

我16號去左mk果架車,ba好好ar~淨係教我點用同要注意d咩,就俾左個sample我試喇~全程10分鐘都唔洗!!good!!有少少sell啦,話我知有d set裝可以睇下~

fannykmc 發表於 2010-7-24 00:33

我今晚喺百德新街見到,2 位派傳單的小女孩已好努力叫人上車試,但好奇怪,冇人上.

我上咗去後,填完資料,ba 就教點用. 但佢只喺用toner抺完我隻手後,就搽支纖顏緊緻精華同講搽面點用,之後就俾支sample +coupon 我,走得. 都冇同我搽埋loction.:smilies07:

hypergirl 發表於 2010-7-24 16:36

冇人上?so waste ar!They put so much $$to promote this product!Maybe ppl worry about hard sell and can't leave the truck;P actually,there's no product for sell there,so no worry la
i work in 朗豪坊and didn't notice the truck come again on 7月22日tim!!As that night had Black Rain Storm,i quick quick rush back home ar.Otherwise i wanna take 1 more time,hahah :P

tingting5121985 發表於 2010-7-24 23:03

7月24日12:30pm-8:30pm - 尖沙咀海防道


lanly 發表於 2010-7-26 22:31


chyjanet 發表於 2010-7-29 17:41

[quote]原帖由[i]Sophia[/i]於2010-7-14 19:50 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=941948&ptid=367302][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
CLARINS (Hong Kong)CLARINS街上流動車纖顏教室:專業美容顧問為您塑造V形輪廓,您可享受Skin Time,完成後可獲纖顏緊緻精華5ml.Please go to get the samples from below specific date &location.Please give me sum ...[/quote]

7月30日12:30pm-2:30pm,6:00pm-8:30pm- 鰂魚涌太古坊附近
7月31日12:30pm-8:30pm - 銅鑼灣總統戲院對出
8月1日12:30pm-8:30pm - 尖沙咀海防道

lanly 發表於 2010-7-29 20:08


hypergirl 發表於 2010-7-30 00:11

yes ar,i work in LP,and off work 6:xx,really didn't see the truck bor!

chyjanet 發表於 2010-7-30 01:27

回覆12# lanly 的帖子

I passed by LP at about 8 pm and saw the truck there ~

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