著數優惠交流網's Archiver

bonnieszesh 發表於 2010-7-12 11:26


#342 Fashion &Beauty coupons

(1)MISSHA BB crean SPF 25.PA++1.g **all shops (until 18-7-2010)(Page 27)
(2)SOGO Tsim Sha Tsui Shop Summer UV Beauty Fair (From 14-7-2010 to 20-7-2010)(whole Page 62-63)
***(Total 22 brand get free samples)***
(3)VICHY Aqualia Thermal aqua-gel 1.5 ml **all shops and counter (until 25-7-2010)(Page 77)
(4)Taiwan Yes free Platinum sample one set (value $80)(until 31-7-2010) (Page 95)
***location at Karen Yiu - The Art of Makeup Academy,at 1/F,No.34A Leighton Road,Causeway Bay.
enquiry tel:23801368,Business hours at 1400 hrs and 1900 hrs (Monday to Sunday)
(Opposite at Leighton Centre)
(5)Skin Food ***No.520 Lockhart Road,Causeway Bay shop only,this shop near Sogo CWB &MISSHA***
one pack free sample Green Tea Milk Cleansing Foad(Fresh)(until 18-7-2010)(PAge 164)(http://www.GetJetso.com - 著數網提供最新著數優惠情報,股市討論,潮流時尚美容討論拍賣及易物服務)

icemoon200290 發表於 2010-7-12 17:43


bonnieszesh 發表於 2010-7-13 01:04

a recent best buy. Don't miss!

Olivia_hohk 發表於 2010-7-17 11:01


burberry SALES 一早就話未返貨,就咁比張card 我地個香水card 我地聞就當話係送喎,之後我就問佢,咦唔係香水咩,之後先講話未返貨,要3:00pm 先返貨,叫我同另一個sis 遲d先去,有咩`可能未返貨,明知有咁多人,仲要係男裝香水,:smilies58::smilies58:
幸好其他牌子都換曬,有d sample係14/7已經換得七七八八

最抵死covermark 個sales ,可以行開咗成10mins ,勁想鬧佢地:smilies65:

YYBB 發表於 2010-7-17 11:14

still wonder buy ng buy magazine to take sample today ar:smilies19:

feifei_ng 發表於 2010-7-17 16:52

[quote]原帖由[i]Olivia_hohk[/i]於2010-7-17 11:01 發表[url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=942578&ptid=366981][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

burberry SALES 一早就話未返貨,就咁比張card 我地個香水card 我地聞就當話係送喎,之後我就問佢,咦唔係香水咩,之後先講話未返貨,要3:00pm 先返貨,叫我同另一個sis 遲d先去,有咩`可能未返貨,明知有咁...[/quote]
covermark 要唔要都把,
不過borghese 唔知係咪俾錯野我,
支sample 係大支

gel 發表於 2010-7-17 17:00

回覆6# feifei_ng 的帖子

佢冇比錯妳,張紙仔寫到明送1 oz 潔面,超闊走呀,真係冇唸過咁大支!:smilies44:

KWAN07081988 發表於 2010-7-18 22:06


bonnieszesh 發表於 2010-7-18 23:12

回覆8# KWAN07081988 的帖子

I can got Versace at 1730 hrs on 18/7. How about u?

ccll 發表於 2010-7-19 02:04

[quote]原帖由[i]KWAN07081988[/i]於2010-7-18 22:06 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=942938&ptid=366981][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

when did u go to sogo yesterday?

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