登記會即刻 有coupon比你print
如果無printer 既網友可以先bookmark 佢再print 都得(我 已試過係ok既)
[[i] 本帖最後由 cash001 於 2010-7-6 13:28 編輯 [/i]] yeah,printed la...tmr try try take sample sin 今日去攞咗了....各位sister可以睇下相....:smilies37:
[[i] 本帖最後由 wlingp 於 2010-7-7 23:43 編輯 [/i]]
回覆3# wlingp 的帖子
I am going to register,but which shop did you go?回覆4# Sophia 的帖子
我係TST SOGO攞到:smilies21: For information,I go to Seibu Kowloon Hotel on 9-7-2010,ba said no stocks until next monday 12/7 pm have stocks order. But ba not sure the stocks can transport on 12/7. Please try to go this shop on 12/7 pm.回覆6# bonnieszesh 的帖子
但我琴日ling到ar,約6:30~回覆7# queenielei 的帖子
I go to here at after 2015 hrs on 9/7. So,I too late la! You're so lucky.回覆6# bonnieszesh 的帖子
i got it today also wor~but sell for a while lor~ bad face BA 係一田換左thank you
回覆9# happyshiri 的帖子
you're so lucky la! 好鬼cheap尖沙咀印左,行過二次都話換哂,叫人再去叫佢去死啦 昨天去荃灣話精華換晒,俾左eye mask我~~:smilies47:俾返心心你先~~:smilies28: