suen ba la....very cheap sample ga ja....waste me an hour time to wait and take ar =.=disappointed for the gift:smilies49:[/quote]
1.話就話7-10,其實7點就玩完!點解0甘講呢!7點去到,D人唔過百都起碼過半百,到我排到去都要半個鐘先攞到,仲要話得番2樣,2選1,我亞媽同個女就去左佢話換哂果間TNS排,點知有喎!誰不知個姐姐話有果2間2選1之中既PAUL &JOE我都排緊啦!前面果5個都無得換啦!我後面都唔例外啦!
點解唔俾D SAMPLE人,排完攞紙又要排攞SAMPLE,好啦!我當你要同商舖交易代啦!個場0甘Q靜,要人地知道你間SHOP響邊啦!0甘可唔可以印D COUPON俾人去換呢?0甘印100份就得100份,派哂既就俾過第2間人,起碼有得選擇!
真係失敗!:smilies60: 完全係呃人去!!我6:50pm 去到已經排左成百人,
等左半個幾鐘先到,以為有list 上的4 份gifts 啦,
點知佢話係4 揀1 only!!!!!
我揀左paul and joe,得兩包samples 仔,
排左咁x 耐!!!勁嬲!!!!!!! 唔係wor...print coupon 去係4件都有ga wor...
即場個張野先係4 揀1..
我前後搞左成個hrs 先換到3件野!!
回覆17# candyseiren 的帖子
oh,u can get a T-Shirt ar?Nice ar,at least can wear ar...that TNS sample,when i get home see see,the salt seem melting and the "mug"already get wet with sth like oil yum....:smilies04:回覆18# Kibe 的帖子
yes ar,me 2,but i go very early law....and i ask where is the booth la,those helper said not yet start ar,u walk walk sin la,7.00pm start................then i reli go to walk walk law,very shit........then i see a long queue when i walk after 15 mins:smilies07:回覆19# polaso 的帖子
匙扣!!!>.<?Ha,why every sis get different thing gei,i print more club to choice,but get an ugly foot-link law very ugly foot-link?Can u post the picture?Becoz I cannot get this,I have not seen how is the footlink look like......=[回覆23# kakalovelycat 的帖子
i give it to my fd immediately...sorry cannot take pic i also spent an hr,i got a foot-link.why i can't see keychain,T-shirt????
just wasting my time. :smilies38: 仲以為paul and joe有支裝sample送添,原來得兩包,咁就差左d喎............. [quote]原帖由[i]YYBB[/i]於2010-7-9 10:50 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
oh,u can get a T-Shirt ar?Nice ar,at least can wear ar...that TNS sample,when i get home see see,the salt seem melting and the "mug"already get wet with sth like oil yum....:smilies04:[/quote]