Murad 免費3-Steps深層清潔護理試用裝@FACES(至10年7月18日)
NEW!Murad Oil Control Mattifier SPF15 - Amazing Offers at FACES![attach]42219[/attach]
[[i] 本帖最後由 cash001 於 2010-7-2 09:22 編輯 [/i]] oh!!今日先去完facess,miss左tim!! promotion on 5/7 - 18/7.not yet starting any email heading~~?:smilies32: 係唔係一定要係炎症皮膚架? HEADING:
Murad控油防曬尊貴禮遇- 推出全新高效控油防曬乳液SPF15
寄件人:"Murad Hong Kong"<[email][/email]>
先前試過一次,需要坐下來約30分鐘才可取三包試用裝,如不只得一包洗面 昨晚去拎左3包 tonite try,no any sample lu.....BA said no stk,no refill but sell me facial =.=' 唔係喎!今日我同亞媽去換都仲有喎!果時你6點左右! i go around 8.00pm ar....maybe too late:smilies57: aiya,,,我print左,仲諗住聽日去換tim~ try last night around 18:xx,BA said original sample all gone and gave me 1.7ml Skin Perfecting Lotion to replace回覆13# hypergirl 的帖子
Went there at lunch time today. Got the same as yours.頁: