Harvey Nichols,The Landmark,Central [/quote]
THANKS AR!! vyvy nice ba called Agnes at PP seibu.....:smilies36::smilies36:
o...i wanna buy that base to get 500pts...!!!!:smilies35: can collect for others as well if bring along their card?
will they check with their system on whether you've collected or not?(e.g.TST has 2 locations,can use the same card to go to both locations to collect 2 sets (1 at each location)? [quote]原帖由[i]valerie1976[/i]於2010-7-7 17:18 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=939985&ptid=365302][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
can collect for others as well if bring along their card?
will they check with their system on whether you've collected or not?(e.g.TST has 2 locations,can use the same card to go to both locations to ...[/quote]
NO!You can't get twice using the same card!Don't be so greedy!!
回覆 62# valerie1976 的帖子
seems they will check,as they need to input the asia miles card number in the computer can't collect two time ga! BA check your card immediately. So,never try to take two time! They maybe black list you ga! if collect twice,then u will be "good fish"when BA discover =.='回覆66# YYBB 的帖子
agree you,"yellow"then very fish la! Ha Ha Ha! All sisters,please don't try! 我今日去左timesquare 個度~佢有即場同我試送個兩支既tester 上手~無hardsell~不過唔知係咪因為佢有個客等緊佢so佢最尾問我有無其他野想試我都話無喇..其實我覺得個兩套有得送miles 既set 都幾好..不過我無睇清楚details~又費事問喇..
anyway拎到miles 好開心>w< 昨晚同個fd 去九龍酒店西武買野順手換埋個sample 之後仲買咗一set 雪花秀sleeping mask gift set $450有4枝sample(balancing water,balancing Emulision,Eye Cream,潤潔Serum) 同deep clean mask $300
就送咗一set 迎新gift 同水份面霜加埋個2pcs whitening serum
而送比我個fd 有cleansing foam 同水份面霜各2pcs
total sample 送咗13件sample,件件都有2-7ml(不包括set 裝個4枝sample)
同埋有好多set 裝好平
cleansing oil &cleansing foam 貨size set裝500
first care serum 兩枝$980