need money ma the card??[/quote]
no need.You can apply online,but only with a temp card (you print it by yoursely).When you travel by their airlines and have miles,they will send you the real card.
I think this offer needs the real card... gdgdgdgdgd!!!
thxxx!!! very good!tks anyone know the size of the free sample?is it only 1 or 2 ml?
回覆1# siubitbit 的帖子
我睇書都見到有呢個呀,thanks for yr sharing.比個心妳先得,希望大家都能夠換到啦,我上次miss 左呀。今次要補番數,哈!
大家快d搵定張card出黎放落銀包度呀:loveliness:! [quote]原帖由[i]FrozenGirl[/i]於2010-6-25 18:48 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
no need.You can apply online,but only with a temp card (you print it by yoursely).When you travel by their airlines and have miles,they will send you the real card.
I think this offer needs the rea ...[/quote]
我想知拎張CARD去邊到買野先可以儲分?同埋要買幾多錢先可以有張REAL CARD呢?
回覆20# candyseiren 的帖子
唔知有冇記錯,好似係要先填資料入會,跟手佢會send 番猋個email 比你with 個臨時會員咭print out,之後佢會郵寄正式會員咭比你。另外,儲分都有部份酒店(eg.朗廷酒店集團),airlines(港龍,cathy pacific),美容店等等,你可以去佢個website度睇睇,不過我d分過期冇晒lu 。
[[i] 本帖最後由 gel 於 2010-6-26 22:58 編輯 [/i]]
回覆 20# candyseiren 的帖子
apply 左臨時卡都仲要儲夠一定的分先會寄張真卡俾你嫁,好似要1000分先有,所以我apply 左成年(得100分),但都無real 卡:smilies38:
回覆22# siubitbit 的帖子
哦,原來係咁架?我只知之前搭飛機CHECK IN 時會話佢聽比埋張咭佢儲分囉,食野如果本身已有DISCOUNT 多數都唔比儲分(2擇1),可能係咁,SO 我儲夠分有正式咭呱?不過都差唔多係8-9年前LU!
回覆 1# siubitbit 的帖子
有得試雪花秀d野~ 正呀~ 上次好遲先知用asiamiles 可以換~今次終於預早知道去換~俾個心心你~ thx
回覆22# siubitbit 的帖子
好似250分:smilies43: 我按左俾心心樓主呀~(不過我係新手第一次先到點俾心心,唔知成唔成功)真係好正呀
btw 我之前一分都無佢都有寄張real card 俾我喎~
回覆 26# gax2 的帖子
收到你心心呀,多謝,我得100分,無card 呀...
不過唔知今次temp 卡換唔換得,唔得都無計...
回覆6# summerpig 的帖子
Hong Kong have total 3 counter and 2 shopHarvery Nichols,Landmark,Central (Counter)
Seibu PP,Admiralty (Counter)
Time Square,CWB (Shop)
Canton Road,TST (Shop)
Seibu,Kowloon Hotel,TST (Counter)
This brand BA so nice,with smile,helpful!,so good service!