一個不愉快的sample交易經歷早前向其中一位sis 買了一袋sample...我自己又無check 到保質期(我當時以為sample 係無寫保質期):smilies43:,
平時個隻係滑啫啫,支sample竟然係有d一粒粒,hai 烚烚的感覺....肯定係假ga!!:smilies59:
我平時游水用d高防曬度的產品,返到屋企要用卸妝油落身,但係會用d平牌子,我即刻拿出來比較下.一摸..!!E...甘似ge!!??:smilies22:經過我家庭成員的比較,我地都認為佢一定係用d平野倒入貴樽...我買li支sample 係10ml 10$,但我個支平野係4x$250ml.....
唉...大家應該明白我的感受,12-13支的sample 中,2枝過期,2枝假野...其他個几包同几枝真係唔夠膽用...:smilies25:
係度我真係唔會開佢個名出黎,我真係真心希望各sis小心,同埋希望這活躍的sis不要再這樣....始終sample係唔洗$$,賣出唔啱用而別人啱用的sample 最對雙方都有利(賣可以有$$收,而買個個又可以平少少得到合適的產品)但眞係唔應該再去做d甘ge 野!:smilies58:
如果我的帖子有違反討論區條款,麻煩版主通知我!謝謝版主:smilies06: ...噢﹗所以我不嬲都唔贊成買sample架﹗就係唔知賣方,將件嘢放咗幾耐﹗不過,係假嘢,又真係好過份咯﹗唉﹗>< 咁ge人都有的....- -'''
這種人好cheap ar!!!:smilies58:
give u a sum sum la~~don't be so sad la=]] 多謝你提醒!以後sis 要小心,而賣家要自律!
回覆2# CoCocu 的帖子
HAi aaaa...i think i won't to buy sample anymore lu....:smilies03:but i think most of the sis are good ge ^^ :smilies06:
回覆3# karenkan0802 的帖子
thank you very much aaaa ^^hope every sis dun 有損失!!:smilies22: 係呀,之前都試過買samples,通常都會問下幾時到期,個sis 就話所有samples 都係新,下年先到期.咁返到屋企睇下,有個係今年11月就到期,咁都算啦,睇返另外果d,有個紙封套袋住,竟然係08 年就已經過左期,雖然佢可以用舊封套袋住,但都唔知用唔用好囉~:smilies11:
另外一次交換左d 同平時packing 有出入既samples,隻味又唔同,簡直連用黎搽身都唔敢呀~:smilies55: haha...我即刻睇下有無同過你地交易過
有時我都真係唔知d sample會唔會已經過左期,有d店好鍾意俾d就過期既sample (例如h2o...),不過如果sis發現貨不對版,我一定會退款
或者你可以問下o個位sis,睇下佢係有心定無意呀. i will sometimes meet this happen...no check when face trade,when back home,see the packing is dirty &look very old,i will ask my bf try try sin:smilies12:if no sensitive made,then give him use,wahaha:smilies16:
i will pm sis,they sure tell us no problem la...then i will not chase anymore but later becareful law.but some sis also very nice,as i see the EXP Date,i will tell her and take pic to her see,then she will suggest change back to me.
回覆7# nicole619 的帖子
i knew that last time this sis went to origins (bottles recycle)exchange jor More than 60 pcs ....cause i posted a post before for looking origins products ....she sent me a PM and tell me she has more then 60 pcs white tea serurm(5ml)for selling...and have other 2ml sampls aswell!!!!really wanna give her a "GOOD"aaaa !!!
at frist i think that she only selling samples....never think about she sells the "FAKE samples"lor.....really cheap !!!she keep all bottles,when someone buy things,just put the fake on inside,if origins/ other shops have reuse pomotion,she goes there to exchange!!!!
高手!!!!:smilies04: Oh ! How come sis do that !! Trading free sample making profit !! Why cheating other Sis like that???:smilies11:
Poor &unlucky experience >>>give you "sum""sum":smilies13:,don't be too sad &angry please:smilies06: !!!
Lucking I never trading samples !!!:smilies09: Thank you for remind that. In future,be careful to trade.black list her. Report to all getjetso 版主'ban'this sister la!
:smilies42::smilies10: 活躍既sis~
誰是活躍sis 賣假sample 冇獎競猜遊戲~:smilies45: I want know who is she?