Shsiedo/ Nickel Free Sample (present the coupon &大新咭)(至10年6月30日)
I have this credit card and these copies are retrieved from the website.I went to MK Langham Place Shiseido tonight (5/6)and can successfully get 1 pc emulsion (7 ml)just showing the print out copy.Sisters,you can try and give me sum sum if you can get it successfully.Thanks.:smilies28:[attach]39289[/attach][attach]39290[/attach]
[[i] 本帖最後由 Sophia 於 2010-5-6 23:43 編輯 [/i]] anyone can dont show the 大新咭but still redeem the sample from shiseido?:smilies19:
i remember last time shiseido dont need to show~~ 我無依D信用咭AR 我都冇e張卡牙
回覆2# cathyb 的帖子
No need to show the credit card at MK Langham Place. 請問coupon是否夾在4月的statement?定5月?回覆6# fannykmc 的帖子
I still not yet receive the statement.The coupon is retrieved from the website of 大新.Please note.Thanks. 我冇呢張credit card 呀,冇得換tim 唉﹗個BA要正本呀﹗COPY唔得架﹗:smilies55:回覆9# CoCocu 的帖子
唔係呱..d ba 咁嚴??回覆10# usmmit 的帖子
係呀﹗無得換呀﹗可能張紙有寫咗,COPY唔換得啦﹗:smilies03:回覆11# CoCocu 的帖子
係喇~~我今日去ba都係要正本,為有等statement喇~~:smilies25:回覆12# cchi 的帖子
咁要用吓張信用咭先得喇﹗:smilies23: 用e-statement咁點算呀?:smilies38:頁: