恒生銀行:登記電郵地址嬴取~H2O+FREE SAMPLE 8ml(至10年7月18日)
[attach]39038[/attach]PLZ GIVE ME SUM SUM~:smilies28: 無heading得唔得架?thx~ 呢個promotion上次係換avene ,就唔使heading~不過唔sure今次使唔使~ 就咁join就好似有ga la~but 佢係冇email heading 因為咁咁dl.. 唔知佢會唔會問你email 呢 As i remember,,many sis said this brand very hardsell... 我想知佢會唔會要你出示恆生信用卡??:smilies19: At TKO,Th BA hv not ask heading and credit card ar.
回覆8# keroppi_2009 的帖子
SO GOOD WO..i want to try too 我都有恒生卡,點解收唔到嘅??:smilies49:
回覆10# suki0606 的帖子
need registedhangseng.com/edm 係唔係即係就咁print出黎就換得呀? BUT I type the eps number to get the coupon...i see the coupon said can put the eps number.. 就咁印張圖?我有卡都冇email~~