[[i] 本帖最 後由 mercurywong 於 2010-6-27 19:50 編輯 [/i]] [attach]42087[/attach] 延長至8月14日
Oline purchases counted or not?
Just had a nasty conversation with two BEA CS.They contend online purchases is not a retail purchase:[url]http://www.hkbea.com/FileManager/TC/Content_2686/c-tc-2.pdf[/url]
I stand to lose approx $270 of rebates if they are right - I paid some big overseas membership fees online.
Other card companies explicit ban online purchases in T&C up front:
5.累積簽賬包括以適用信用卡於推廣期內所作之本地及海外零售購物簽賬、現金透支及免息分期之每月供款(以顯示於月結單上之交易日期計算及須於2010年8月15日或以前已誌賬)。其他交易包括但不只限於[b]網上購物[/b]、郵購、電話購物、自動轉賬、繳交公共事務費用、保費、八達通自動增值、免息分期付款計劃之總金額、手續費、年費、逾期費用、超額費用、利息/財務費用、結餘轉賬之金額及利息、「兌現年息優惠」計劃之金額及利息/手續費、「兌現分期」或「月結單分期」計劃之供款及利息/手續費、網上繳款、兌換籌碼及繳稅金額均不適用於此推廣計劃。所有未誌賬/ 取消/ 退款/ 偽造/ 未經許可的交易均不適用於此推廣計劃
Whereas BEA is really using leaving it vague then using its right to interpret rule.
Previous CS has said purchases from Amazon *might*be counted as retail.But again must be decided on posting.
Anyone else get different interpretations from this rule?
I will complain if these online purchases get disallowed - it's not explicitly disallowed by notice.
But meanwhile I'm posting it here so everyone should avoid online purchases with BEA.
[[i] 本帖最後由 percysmith 於 2010-8-5 14:04 編輯 [/i]]