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young 發表於 2010-4-3 19:31

Handy Blacklist V3.11 來電防火墻

Handy Blacklist 是一款阻止你不想接聽的電話的手機軟體。你可以添加您想要阻止的號碼,這樣您就不會受到該電話號碼的電話或者短信騷擾了。不必要的電話和短信可以立即被屏蔽。唯一知道被阻止人是否來電的方法是查看該程序的通話記錄。如果您手動掛斷一個電話,那麼Handy Blacklish將會建議您將該號碼自動加入屏蔽。不再接聽不想接聽的電話,充分節省您的時間和金錢給那些您想要接聽的人。不僅可以阻止特定的號碼,更可以阻止那些私人號碼或者未知號碼。如果您想加固您的安全系數,此功能則是專門為您準備的,只讓那些您知道的人打您的電話,而讓那些未知號碼統統遠離您的電話。

Handy Blacklist protects your time and peace of mind by keeping undesired calls off your phone.
If there is someone you just don’t want to hear from,let Handy Blacklist keep that person off your phone!

2 types of lists with different functions will keep unwanted calls hidden from your eyes.You have one blacklist
and one or several Allow lists.Only one list can be activated at the moment.

Blacklist contains numbers you want to be blocked.You can add numbers from recent calls,contact list or just
by typing them.If you reject a call manually,the software will propose you to add that number to blacklist
automatically!Blocking of Private and Unknown calls is also available.

Allow list contains numbers which will be allowed to receive while others will be rejected.In addition,you can
choose a "reject"action to return a prewritten text message back to the caller.A notification of the missed
calls appearing in a popup note can be set by user as well.

Handy Blacklist是一款阻止你不想接聽的電話和接收短信的手機軟體.能讓你在某些時間段不受外界的幹擾.如果你有不想聽的電話和不想收的短信將迅速的被攔截.使用此軟體只有查看軟體的通話記錄才能留意別人的電話打進



只支援NOKIA S60第三版以上的系統
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