YSL the Teint Radiance Perle Foundation and enjoy prestigious offers 在海港城(至10年3月31日)
YSL Come and unveil the Teint Radiance Perle Foundation and enjoy prestigious offers 在海港城DATE:25/3-31/3
[attach]37048[/attach] anyone tried YSL facial b4?gd? :smilies56:換左喇~~
回覆3# RACHEL.C 的帖子
i use my own mail to redeem,BA ask me sit down and try the pdt....finally sell me 10mins,but just give me a "card"thin small sample....i wonder there're 0.1ml inside law:smilies60:回覆4# YYBB 的帖子
我係唔會理佢SELL架~~~回覆5# RACHEL.C 的帖子
u also get the thin card sample or tube size ar?:smilies47: you got 0.1ml only???!!! [img]http://newsletter.she.com/ysl/100319/images/edm_01.jpg[/img][img]http://newsletter.she.com/ysl/100319/images/edm_02.jpg[/img]
回覆7# penguin8 的帖子
i no see clear,just know that sample is stick @ thin card only...just see then no mood to try la:smilies59:max.0.1-0.3ml....more less than ipsa's 0.3ml sample:smilies66: start on 21/3 ,today go ,the BA dun redeem for me
回覆 10# bubeee 的帖子
i got it tonight wor....回覆11# Kuromi_Sanrio 的帖子
the sales super sell me also - -said i buy anthing then give me that sample - -
回覆 12# bubeee 的帖子
oh,reali?they didn't sell me wor,just gave it to me and introduce the sample.less than 15 sec. not a tube size???頁: