Murad T-Zone Pore Refining Gel at FACES(至10年3月31日)
[[i] 本帖最後由 mercurywong 於 2010-3-18 10:22 編輯 [/i]] they not only hardsell for 15mins:smilies22: 要book又hardsell唔好喇~~:smilies25: 好hardsell? hardsell???:smilies59:
好其待每次Murad sample, 今次仲要travel size 15ml,聽說呢支收毛孔勁得,book 咗明天做分析,我上次check 過,可以睇返有咩變化,正!!!其實D BA 好好,唔明点解你地話hard sell><??? 係丫~我今日去左check skin 係兩個後生ba
教我點用支15ml 收毛孔~佢教我一係隔日用
我仲係到諗緊買唔買$387 set 好抵丫
佢地都無迫我買野:loveliness: tried their promo be4,i don't think their BA are nice....almost wanna buy their products last time ==
can save $$ 今日經過,諗定試下
點知佢話要book先有得做skin test 喎...
不過佢地都係企係到...果時無客=="但係都唔比我做skin test 囉.. booked 29th......
juz hope they won't black face.....:smilies50: this time has 15ml serum wo,so attractive.maybe try to book the skin test sin! 呢個牌子,次次都要做15 分鐘test ,先至攞到sample架!
回覆9# magician0108 的帖子
會唔會佢地真係有客呢?有客book 左既話咁我地過去做skin test
咁佢地下一個客點算? try their booking tel# for over 20 times...cannot reach,all failed!