著數優惠交流網's Archiver

fannykmc 發表於 2010-3-9 23:57

3月9日headline - sk-ii free sample(至3月14日)

sk-ii free sample @ p.19.在金鐘,旺角,尖沙咀西武換.(http://www.GetJetso.com - 著數網提供最新著數優惠情報,股市討論,潮流時尚美容討論拍賣及易物服務)

ophelia_hiuwun 發表於 2010-3-10 00:24


gel 發表於 2010-3-10 00:24

回覆1# fannykmc 的帖子

頭先睇過份報紙,都剪低左喇,都好奇今次呢個咁正...居然冇人pody 出黎。:smilies37: tks.

ccll 發表於 2010-3-10 00:43

2.5g new whitening cream

ayuen 發表於 2010-3-10 15:32

回覆 4# ccll 的帖子

yesterday 去pp 話換哂....你向邊換gar

YYBB 發表於 2010-3-10 16:02

換哂:smilies38:i planning go on Sat tim

miji 發表於 2010-3-10 16:16

尋日去到九龍西武換,佢話冇晒隻cream,轉送toner問我ok唔ok,唔係就要去到朗豪坊同pp至有隻cream sample............我彩我唔理咁多換左toner先,唔係去到pp咪冇埋?? 朗豪坊有冇人換左??:smilies50:

yinyinman 發表於 2010-3-10 16:34

i get in langham ytd already~

YYBB 發表於 2010-3-10 16:41

回覆7# miji 的帖子

toner =11ml son-sin-shui?Still good wor,i better go tonite sin la...dun want no stk ar,wowo:smilies05:

miji 發表於 2010-3-10 17:34

[quote]原帖由[i]YYBB[/i]於2010-3-10 16:41 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=903038&ptid=354388][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
toner =11ml son-sin-shui?Still good wor,i better go tonite sin la...dun want no stk ar,wowo:smilies05:[/quote]


nicole619 發表於 2010-3-10 21:38

pp said will have stock in few days later........otherwise they will give skin signature instead..........
but i got the new whitening cream during lunch time @ tst yesterday !!:smilies36:

bubeee 發表於 2010-3-10 22:22

我個份係skin refining treatment 2.5g~

YYBB 發表於 2010-3-10 23:05

回覆11# nicole619 的帖子

oh..i reli too late this time,TST KLN seibu no stk,said come back few days later to get,will hv stk back.

take MTR to MK Seibu,no new cream also,give me a bag of Aqua essence 0.6g*2---1.2g only:smilies49:

tungtungtung 發表於 2010-3-11 16:30

回覆13# YYBB 的帖子


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