Skinfood Free Mask Samples for 大新/豐明信用咭(until 3/31/2010)
A leafleft is attached to the statement.One coupon of getting free mask sample for Skinfood is found.See attached photos.Sisters,please pay attention when you receive.Thanks. 新年之前收到啦,2月尾換左了,^^係荃廣換既,個ba 一睇就知我換野,佢冇黑面,但都唔算nice,做足哂程序,當然有sales幾下啦,但佢見我黑面冇反應,就放我一條生路啦~
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[[i] 本帖最後由 阿啦 於 2010-3-2 23:19 編輯 [/i]] 唔知而家重有冇呢? 尋日係旺角西洋菜街換左rice wash off mask:smilies21: my honey use his card to change the saseme mask for me,the ba let him 3 choose 1 in MK shop.