有冇d可以御埋眼妝架? im using the Loreal gentle lip and eye make up remover and i think its good^^ 謝謝分享~~可以用埋係面度嗎?? you can simply wash out all the foundation using your face wash gel/milk~(my doctor told me ga!) clinique有隻面部及眼部御粧霜$240,可以試下啦~:smilies51: Loreal is very good !price is low as wellShishedo is also good~ Bioderma .... [quote]原帖由[i]suki0606[/i]於2010-1-6 02:00 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=874405&ptid=347004][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
support x 2 bobbi bown ok ar:smilies37: