回覆56# icemoon200290 的帖子
其實BENEFIT D野我都唔知好唔好用,不過有支LIP STICK又確係好開心~不過我個日一行到去,個BA就已經話無哂,係4個BA差唔多同時望住我,有一個BA對住我講LOR...真係ODD哂 今日重有無人換過make up forever?我想陣間出去,唔知換唔換到呢 ? 我都仲未得閒去,希望去到仲有野換喇~~
回覆 39# lipgloss 的帖子
yes la,max factor is so cheap...and BA so "inch"ga:smilies58:回覆 48# luvsaaa 的帖子
me 2,so bad....why bank why not choose me ga,i use their card every month ga:smilies11: today many no sample,especially B.B.&Paul Smith~~~cheap BA,said need print out wor,i go with my fd with 2 S.C.credit card.They dun give my fd as no print out wor.But other counter no need print out law....I think those BA want eat the sample themselves:smilies58: [quote]原帖由[i]YYBB[/i]於2009-12-12 22:53 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=864916&ptid=343292][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]today many no sample,especially B.B.&Paul Smith~~~cheap BA,said need print out wor,i go with my fd with 2 S.C.credit card.They dun give my fd as no print out wor.But other counter no need print out la ...[/quote]
咁你換到D 咩?上個星期我去過ORIGINS ,佢地話已經換哂,唔知佢地而家返左貨未?
好想換個sleeping mask
回覆63# ivy126hk 的帖子
i just try the following:Benefit-no stk
Clinque-no stk,can try on Monday
B.B.- 5ml cleansing oil
Max Factor-S.C.or Faces card also no stk
ettusxx-no stk
Kenzo=no stk
Kose=no stk
purfumes counter=no stk
origins=no stk friday morning i try
origins have
不過我想知murad送果個係咩來ga???我book左mon,5知去5去好,any sis換左???
[[i] 本帖最後由 queenielei 於 2009-12-13 17:32 編輯 [/i]] [quote]原帖由[i]queenielei[/i]於2009-12-13 17:30 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=865238&ptid=343292][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
friday morning i try
origins have
不過我想知murad送果個係咩來ga???我book左mon,5知去5去好,any sis換左???[/quote]
i have redeem the lotion,it is 30ML, a little bit sell...sis can try try.... 有冇sis知道近排有冇貨返呀 my colleagues last night can get purfumes:smilies24: origins 到底有貨未架?我其他野都換哂,我只係想要佢地個sleeping mask 咋,之前又呃我下星期有貨,今日都星期4喇.重未有,到底有無架 ?:smilies39: origins 話換換晒,無話會再有貨返~
換左murad 30ml lotion €:smilies54: