Valentino Friends &Family Sale低至1折開倉(11月26-28日)
[attach]29146[/attach] I went there last time,of course I did not find anything offer 90%off. Bags and shoes are max.50%off. Considering Valentino original price is over 20K for a bag (at least). This is not a good bargin. Clothing is old and mainly for men. A few tie but run out within an hour. No new stock refill everyday. The bad thing is I saw Sales hold good stuff in their store room for 熟客. Sales show them good stuff when they came. Many 寬太太went there. no worth to go la... Thanks for let us know it would be waste time if we go. [quote]原帖由[i]penguin8[/i]於2009-11-24 17:05 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]I went there last time,of course I did not find anything offer 90%off.Bags and shoes are max.50%off.Considering Valentino original price is over 20K for a bag (at least).This is not a good bargin. ...[/quote]
too bad,we are not their target customer :smilies30: