Don't angry!I want to complaint Fashion &Beauty.But I afraid the magazine black list me to join other function and gifts.[/quote]
我無記錯的話,好似之前已經有人send 過e-mail比fashion and beauty,
你可以搵番之前D POST,我記得係有幾位sis係咁講過 61670 都係,雖然唔係期期中,但隔幾期就見...:smilies25:
回覆563# yuenes1 的帖子
呢個acc 其實係...我既^^" I have seen some acc so many time too ,however those winners are so lucky or others reasons,anyway I give up this win &play for a long time ago since I never win for past 3 years.I perfer save my time to join other website or magazines.
回覆564# beibei 的帖子
You're so lucky jor! Except you have friend to work this magazine !回覆566# bonnieszesh 的帖子
有機有機..回覆567# magician0108 的帖子
I think the magazine 'Do horse'a long time ga! But,no evidence to proof this,but,anyway,I still buy this magazine every week because I like this magazine pure for beauty news/update products. Otherwise,I send many letter(need reply $1.4 stamps &blank letter)every week,but I found I can't received the reply letter to take gifts a few months. Movie tickets never can take tim. 應該唔會做馬咁黑暗掛,上上期我寄信去抽中左,我上星期去換果日見到佢地個office有個有幾個籃裝住堆信,個籃真係有好多好多好多好多信
大包圍中左都唔奇 Waiting next week the win list tim! 今期27 sep 2010 fnb winner list ~
回覆564# beibei 的帖子
:loveliness: 又唔中..唉 差少少AR 4-10-2010 have new winner list! Hope can win la!