回覆464# gel 的帖子
receptionist eat your gifts la! Because my friends(megazine staff)told me,If we are no go to take the gift,then,they would be taking by themselves ga.請問有人有今期fnb winner list嗎
F&B 342期報出340期winner list:10196 12693 12886 14135 14244 15010 15142 15149 15614 16730 17161 17312 19223 19597 19605 25203 26231 27654 28954 30161 40547 40563 40815 41970 42028 42207 42882 43720 43725 43764 43972 44062 44198 40419 50419 52405 53374 53738 53990 54993 56498 57647 57794 59779 61032 61234 61416 61765 62591 63345 63651 63781 63791 64491 64618 64763 64838 66005
時間:12/7/10 - 31/7/10
F&B 342期報出340期winner list:
F&B 342期報出340期winner list:10196 12693 12886 14135 14244 15010 15142 15149 15614 16730 17161 17312 19223 19597 19605 25203 26231 27654 28954 30161 40547 40563 40815 41970 42028 42207 42882 43720 43725 43764 43972 44062 44198 40419 50419 52405 53374 53738 53990 54993 56498 57647 57794 59779 61032 61234 61416 61765 62591 63345 63651 63781 63791 64491 64618 64763 64838 66005
時間:12/7/10 - 31/7/10
禮品:位元堂桂花燕窩飲 ths:P Thanks,give you sum sum sin…
回覆462# misspk 的帖子
明白,thanks! [quote]原帖由[i]bonnieszesh[/i]於2010-7-9 00:33 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=940516&ptid=342192][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]very difficult to win the gifts ga!trust me!I send many letter within two years,but a little send back,if win,small prizes,value cheap ga.not yet win the expensive prizes until now.every week send ...[/quote]
吓~~~甘我都係唔試勒!Thanks Bonnie~ THANK YOU,又唔中=.=
回覆467# misspk 的帖子
又唔中.......唉~~:smilies55:不過俾個心心你先~~:smilies13: 又唔中啦!!!!
請問有人有今期fnb winner list嗎
F&B 343期報出341期winner list:10036 10064 10074 10084 10400 10515 10590 16172 16904 17905 19590 28023 35070 35118 41006 42028 42045 42313 42784 42930 43417 44065 44345 44349 50419 50889 51280 51959 52093 52377 53134 53362 53681 56598 57357 57412 59198 59200 59469 59508 59590 59899 61164 61282 61674 62536 62681 62976 63220 63261 63405 63679 63768 63945 63972 63976 64066 64264 64341 64533 63543 64697
19/7 - 6/8
禮品: MISSHA M 唇膏