LOEWE UP to 90%OFF Private Sale (11月17-19日)
Up to 90%OFFReady-to-wear,bags,shoes and accesories
[attach]28264[/attach] stuff 之后,是不是谁都可以进?还是需要什么INVITATION LETTER? do we need any staff no.? 唔駛架~咩人都去得~ O敢..17號唔係STAFF..係唔係即係唔去得呀.... so far,no people go la We cannot go on 17 Nov,it's for Staff Only.
However,we can go on 18 &19 Nov,cos it's for Family &Friends :) 好多sale都搞係taikoo...搵d係近d既地方搞得唔得嫁
tst,mk,cwb都好d....但taikoo真係太遠啦 不知有沒有人可以答我明天上午不是staff先可以去嗎?
感激各位:smilies06: LVMH is a group that owns many luxury brands (not only for fashion)like LV,Dior,Celine,Kenzo etc...
and Loewe is one of the luxury brands that under LVMH group
That's why all the staff under LVMH group can go and buy stuff for all the private sales that hold by their group
回覆10# heidization 的帖子
thanks so much:smilies32: 唔去無損失。 係呀,袋款極少 有長形銀包(米白色邊及綠色邊),25折,折後$988一個,我買咗2個,1個自己用,1個聖誕時當禮物送俾人:smilies46:頁: