Pedder Warehouse中環三折開倉(至11月6日)
由上年年底至今年年底將近 ,你去過幾多個開倉?不過,愛Shopping的人,對於開倉幾 時都唔嫌多。特別是女人,最好日日開,無論衫褲鞋襪乜倉物倉,最 緊要掛名全場低至X折起。今勻輪到腳下名牌Pedder Warehouse出場。低至三折, Ladies們會否嫌少?不似平時行街撞口撞面就話一折。但是, 先看看排場是甚麼,Stella McCartney、Marc Jacobs、Marni、Giuseppe Zanotti等等,全部品牌耳熟能詳,無一不是女士們樂於上身的入貨對象。今 日統統三折起,由11月3日至6日一連四天,於OL集散地中環交 易廣場打開戰場,等一眾女士袋定彈藥,入到不斷殺貨。
話說回頭,還未提到款式選擇。小記在開倉 前先為大家驗驗貨,發覺質素相當不俗,有今年至Hit的黑色長靴 款、長青的高踭鞋款,就算稍為誇張的款式都有。若要小記推介幾款 ,首先心水是意大利品牌的Giuseppe Zanotti,其 中紅配銀幼踭高踭鞋,穿上它,女人味乜都返晒嚟。另外,Maison Martin Margiela的黑色長靴款,鞋身位置專 登通窿,一貫型格解構味,又是必入的。主打是鞋款,另備手袋首飾 以方便大家順手搶購,請留意Marc Jacobs手袋是頭號目 標,Lunch放飯的時候不如巡一轉,攞上手就咪放低啦!:smilies27:
Pedder Warehouse(2118 2323)
中環交易廣場三期三 樓301-303室 I went there tonight at around 6:30.
In fact,all are pretty much the same as the last one in Time Squares. Not worthy to go again.
But if some sis hadn't go any one of its sales event,and are very much addicted to high heels,then may go if you are near the place. There are still some fine high heels there.
Anyway I did find some nice sunglasses this time,however,bags are still not good enough. Those bags are SUPER heavy and pricing is high.
Shoes are SUPER high heel at least 5-6" 同意和係Times Squares攪的sales 的貨款差唔多,Access.仲少左,無較抵買的pedder自家牌子。