我唔係Agnie b.vip wor:smilies12: 我都收到 我都收到係5/11 - 11:00-3:00pm,要返工,可以點去睇呢, Hi Jenny,
I would like to go too,can you take me in?Please check PM Pls kindly check the PM for those sis who got the invitation. I am wondering if anyone could bring me in or transfer me the invitation card if not available to go at the designated time. 我都好想去ar,有無人可以帶埋我去或者有無人吾得閑去可以transfer張invitation card比我?求求幫忙~如果有人可以,請pm me,thx
Date question
Nov 8 is not Thur. Is it Nov 8 Sun or Nov 5 thur?有無sister可以帶埋我去=(
謝謝~!! Can any sister bring me along when you attend the event?
Please pm me....many many thanks~ 我都好想去呀,如果有sis可以帶埋我去,請聯絡我呀!謝謝! 我都收到wor~不過有無sis知道通常d野係咪好平架?
回覆27# ccying14 的帖子
我上年有去過SOGO個AGNES B既50%OFF既"類似"開倉既活動,個次有好多袋/TEE(有LOGO TEE)/外套/牛仔褲(不過係大SIZE)/銀包/電話繩!