Windows 7 Inside Out
[img][/img]Carl Siechert,.."Windows 7 Inside Out"
October 2009 |English |ISBN-13:978-0-735626-652 |1056 Pages |PDF |35.6 MB
You re beyond the basics,so dive right in and really put your PC towork!This supremely organized reference is packed with hundreds oftimesaving solutions,troubleshooting tips,and workarounds.It s allmuscle and no fluff.Discover how the experts tackle Windows 7 andchallenge yourself to new levels of mastery!Compare features andcapabilities in each edition of Windows 7.Configure and customize yoursystem with advanced setup options.
Manage files,folders,and media libraries.Set up a wired or wirelessnetwork and manage shared resources.Administer accounts,passwords,and logons and help control access to resources.Configure InternetExplorer(r)8 settings and security zones.Master security essentialsto help protect against viruses,worms,and spyware.Troubleshooterrors and fine-tune performance.Automate routine maintenance withscripts and other tools.