Thank you "kuo"&give you "sum""sum".
回覆15# Sabrina008 的帖子
wht sample is that and how many ml??are they black face or hard sell??
thanksssss... 今日去拎左,係Global Anit-Age day and night 4ml.
個過程好搞笑,一行埋去,個ba好好笑容,主動問係咪攞嘢呀?叫我填番名和地址,一路填一路好nice咁閒聊,話地址唔好寫咁撩呀,佢地有新推廣會by post寄架,又教點用呢隻sample啦,好幽默,nice到我都唔好意思,完全無sell,真係難得一個好ba,初初仲以為呢固brand o既ba會好寸添。 [quote]原帖由[i]great[/i]於2009-10-9 02:12 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
今日去拎左,係Global Anit-Age day and night 4ml.
個過程好搞笑,一行埋去,個ba好好笑容,主動問係咪攞嘢呀?叫我填番名和地址,一路填一路好nice咁閒聊,話地址唔好寫咁撩呀,佢地有新推廣會by post寄架,又教點用呢隻sample啦,好幽...[/quote]
I got a small pack 去紋lotion,I think don't have 4ml,BA is nice but didn't give form to me to fill in just write on the email printout.:smilies50:
回覆18# Sabrina008 的帖子
dsample唔係個個一樣架!我都係寫喺張printout度,無form填。 BA gave me eye sample ~1.5ml !! [quote]原帖由[i]Sabrina008[/i]於2009-10-8 22:48 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]Today I got a pack sample.
Thank you "kuo"&give you "sum""sum".[/quote]
me2....BA is quite nice,thx sis~! BA give me 1.5MT Radiance Anti-Aging Concentrate,very nice ar