veld's age killer free sample(times square)(至10月11日)
need to print and show card[attach]26278[/attach] thx...係cosmopolitan都有cupon呀:smilies37:
俾心心你:smilies28: coupon period is too short 可惜只得times square有得換,cwb有d遠喇~~:smilies25:
Times Square Office Club - Exclusive Benfits from Veld's(至10月11日)
can get a free sample in Times square不過我揾唔到個counter 呀:smilies30:
[[i] 本帖最後由 siubitbit 於 2009-10-6 01:28 編輯 [/i]] veld d 野,好好用....thanks [quote]原帖由[i]siubitbit[/i]於2009-10-5 23:17 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
can get a free sample in Times square
不過我揾唔到個counter 呀:smilies30:
26285 [/quote]
COUNTER 係長電梯旁近食通天果邊ge lane crawford 出入口,我都行左2個圈先見到~=] 洗唔洗time square office club既card架? 佢d sample拎親都係1-2ml包裝
拎唔拎好? this counter very hardsell need to present membership card ~~so i didn;t take ~~
回覆10# penguin8 的帖子
*** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 *** Their samples are good :smilies54:but CWB is too far.:smilies07: [quote]原帖由[i]TATACHAN[/i]於2009-10-6 14:35 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]need to present membership card ~~so i didn;t take ~~[/quote]
今晚去換,唔駛show card 呀:smilies46: