ask jessica ppl,they said is 30ml ~~好過冇la~[/quote]
thanks for your enquiry...........:smilies56: [quote]原帖由[i]boel_ng[/i]於2009-10-6 00:06 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
Jessica said will resend me e-mail...but still can't get the e-mail today...:smilies38:[/quote]
me 2. waiting...... 無lala有30ml julique rose water,已經好好架啦~
好野~開心開心~ 支野其實有咩用,是否補濕? 有冇電話可以問?真是怕佢地打錯字而導致彈回頭,這樣不是好吾低囉.謝謝!
如果想知自己有冇份,打去tel :2963 0651 ->轉J club ->marketing ->找周小姐問問,她好好人,會幫你查電腦.
[[i] 本帖最後由 calvin1216 於 2009-10-6 12:39 編輯 [/i]]
回覆103# catcatfok 的帖子
回覆105# wahwah1224 的帖子
咁未岩晒我用lor:smilies47:~good:smilies63: 呢d天氣岩用喎:smilies20: 好開心呀!啱啱收到電話話有份~原來佢地send 錯email~
希望快d 收到封email啦~~!
本身仲打定輸數...點知最後都有~超感動~!:smilies28: 我地駛5駛............hello baby呀?:smilies16: :smilies43:我今朝都收到電話呀. How much is 30ml?
The location is very far for me... thinking worth to go or not. 我今日先fax唔知仲有冇機呢:smilies46: