STAFF手上有coupon,佢地會揀人來派,可換「科研再生美肌乳霜」3g too bad,today i won't pass by New Century Plaza ar,btw,if they pick passer-by ,i don't think i can get the card lu............:smilies25: staff會係邊度派ga? 尋日頭條都有coupon,我去攞左一小樽cream,佢話貨size要成$1800,所以我諗佢只會揀d似買得起既人黎派,費時嘥gas i got it ytd la!its a 3g cream ah!gor ba ok la..but ging sell products+facial ah!btw i took a pic there tim ah..it showed you how you would look like in 20-30 yrs time ga..very horrible ah..but then the "effects"are added by computer jar...>_< [quote]原帖由[i]jetso4me[/i]於2009-9-8 17:46 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=803117&ptid=332435][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]i got it ytd la!its a 3g cream ah!gor ba ok la..but ging sell products+facial ah!btw i took a pic there tim ah..it showed you how you would look like in 20-30 yrs time ga..very horrible ah..but then t ...[/quote]
係呀,幅衰老相真係好令自己不安,連影而家既我都好樣衰..............:smilies33:攪到個人謝晒皮:smilies22: 我手上有頭條coupon,但行過不敢去拎....:smilies03:
勁多ba企係到...而且覺得佢地好唔友善.... [quote]原帖由[i]chihuawa[/i]於2009-9-8 19:12 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=803170&ptid=332435][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I took 1 sample last night. BA asked had I used their products before,I told her I had finished their Whitening Line (I didn't told her even used that serum over $1XXX,but I didn't get any improvement),BA quite hard sell,but she didn't ask me to take photo. 揀人來派....咁即係唔使要啦...:smilies45: 得個3g都要揀人來派?唔係啩~ D 貨就貴,服務就cheap.....
其實如果d ba好人d....送多d野我會keep住買佢d野ga...
Covermark成日睇唔起人,個樣細個d就無錢買野咩 Covermark成日睇唔起人,我都覺得係呀 昨日拎咗之前頭條張Coupon 去新世紀換佢個罌Sample 仔
比個BA Sell 足你15 鐘
係咁Sell :smilies60:差不多想幫你試晒新出果幾款皇牌
個BA 又問吓你個質感點呀,又講解吓使用方法
佢有佢照講,之後又Sell 產品又Sell 你做Facial,總之就勁Hard Sell
試過呢次我都Black List 咗佢,唔再換佢D Sample i get the email says go to can sample but i think i will not go that really so hard sell and 成日看不起人.