幫朋友換,但ba 都可以俾我2張一齊換!!good!!
我想問你同你朋友張barcode no.一唔一樣架?係咪個個唔同架? 未full 仲可以~
回覆85# mikeelsa 的帖子
個個barcode都唔同ga~ba會check電腦ga~ still can reg.today ar,addoil:smilies35: [quote]原帖由[i]suedie[/i]於2009-9-10 05:53 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=804436&ptid=332088][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]my sister wait a long time,ba check the code about 15mins,and she need show card,but the code ba said someone take it?!!!!!
who steal her code:smilies38:[/quote]
show card??
未必一定有卡啦~ 多謝你呀~~十分有用@!!!!!!!:smilies28::smilies28: 我已上網登記,完成後會有bar code coupon回給你的,你print out 就得了 can register but full already :smilies38:
[[i] 本帖最後由 cangel01 於 2009-9-10 15:22 編輯 [/i]] e...係wo!!已經出唔到有bar code 果頁可以print la!! 下...又無得reg la.....~_~ 尋日o係又一城拎左喇~好順利~
ba好nice,淨係問我有冇用過,想要爽d定rich d,好快速幫我搞掂左~
唔該哂你~俾左心心你喇:loveliness: 去APM 換咗la!
個ba 好好,教埋點用,又無hard sell.Good! website can't be displayed ><
how come.........any method to solve this???
I wanna get the sample so much ar! 我去MK果間...佢SELL我買野:smilies25: