[quote]原帖由[i]suedie[/i]於2009-9-10 06:44 發表[url=http://www.getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=804446&ptid=331633][img]http://www.getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
嘆氣.........today 3 counter also black face and tell lies with us......make me so sad,
so i want share with sis........
because so unhappy,i want 投訴.....but my mother said 投訴no use,
because ba al ...[/quote]
i got one sample without flower many days ago.The ba was long straight hair,a little bit old and skinny.She was very ok and nice ar.answer my questions but no black face.
you can send email to lane crawford,the faces staff will call u within 1-2 days.the Kenzo will also call u.
compaint is always useful and meaningful to both sides.
i got one sample without flower many days ago.The ba was long straight hair,a little bit old and skinny.She was very ok and nice ar.answer my questions but no black face.
you can send email to lane c ...[/quote]
I also served by that ba.She is ok but hard sell.I met another fat ba and she always said no stock.
CWB SOGO &SHATIN一田百貨經常no stock ...d ba black face 明趕客
tst facess d ba 老ba 就明恰d client 經常性講大話..有時會遇到好ba...當老ba調咗更,black face
又一城,多數換到不過d ba 就black face
ts lc ok no stock時至少有笑容講啦~~
i got one sample without flower many days ago.The ba was long straight hair,a little bit old and skinny.She was very ok and nice ar.answer my questions but no black face.
you can send email to lane c ...[/quote]