Barbie 美容專櫃開幕,首100名身穿粉紅色送Barbie 唇膏($160)(至9月6日)
Barbie 美容專櫃開幕,身穿粉紅色送Barbie 唇膏($160)from 5-6 Sept,2009,the first 100 customers of each day who visit FACES Barbie counter in PINK outfit will receive a Barbie Lipstick for FREE ($160) "first 100 customers of each day"
機會甚微...:smilies55: 有冇link可以俾大家睇下呀? [attach]23595[/attach]
回覆4# mercurywong 的帖子
早d訓~訓足精神~我地明天見~~~:smilies16: 支野好得意,
開門前一小時去排先有可能有..... 唔會真係要排隊GUA....
BTW,有冇SIS知FACES 開幾點>?? 支野就真係幾靚,不過都係換唔到ga la~~~其他sis +油la:smilies36: FACES開幾點ar It is not easy to be first 100 :smilies04: 好似開10am so funny,so many pink lady in Harbour City 一定好難做到啦我...
雖然令...但冇理由守登出.... That's good they will off 100pcs free lipstick for customer,however,i don't think i have the chance to get it coz it should have tons of people line up and take the free gift:smilies36: