回覆26# snowman0 的帖子
Yes,you can.They can check with your moble phone number then they will know you are member or not. i do rec sms,but req membership card....i lost it la :smilies30: 我今日去換左啦,但係就唔係橄欖活膚晚霜,而係紅海藻淨白面霜,佢仲送了2張COUPON,2張COUPON都係一樣,買滿$500可減$50,但係我之前先買左SET,所以我無用到...大家又攞了邊隻sample? I also got a sms too but have to go pp Seibu just 5ml mask only~~ 我都收到SMS佢個SMS話要會員CARD,但我個會員CARD不知那裡去了. 我想問你們換到SAMPLE是否需要出示會員証?THX 我以前係會員...5知會5會有呢...:smilies44: 我今日都換左啦~要check membership card ar!!
反而唔睇個sms,而係o係電腦度check 你個membership lor!!
gave me 15ml 橄欖活膚晚霜~no other coupon!!! My Friend is Biotherm BA,she said this promotion is for selected member only,if you go to redeem,remember to bring your membership card,they have to check your info through computer,also,you may ask for sample that you are interested in,they will give you if stock last. I received SMS and go to Shatin. 我平時成日幫襯,點解我收唔到架,我係tst sogo 開ac 既,唔知有冇sis 同我一樣都係0係個度開但又收唔到msn 架?:smilies25: CWB SOGO開account....咩都冇收過 me 2,dinner with my fd on Friday night,TST
she got SMS fron biotherm to take sample and ask me rec'd or not
she long time no buy in Biotherm ga la,but i just shopping last month...dunno why i haven't any SMS rec'd law:smilies34: 我係屯門開account....星期六去問,ba在電腦先check 資料,ba 話公司己一路路咁send SMS 比會員架啦,叫我等幾天,佢叫我放心一定有的,我都係過多2天去問多一次好D :smilies23: