今晚去咗換頭條sample,ba話個treatment full 唒,冇得book啦.[/quote]
頭條sample just leave 3 small bags only,no tube size la
回覆15# YYBB 的帖子
3 bags only??not tube??:smilies30: i don't ask people newspaper and don't go回覆9# miji 的帖子
3 bags or bottles? 又要book lor!!唔去好過!! anyone tried?
回覆18# ccyv 的帖子
我約左了,唔知到時會點呢? my fd just got 1ml small bag,with purple color,BA said is eye serum wor..............so cheap and waste time la. :smilies60:
我去完做facal之後他們不給我sample呀........嗚嗚嗚 Lucky that I did not go,just waste of time.頁: