La Prairie Caviar &Diamonds Restore Skin's Lost Luster Invitation @ Elements(至8月23日)
Print out and get free samples after consultation,only at Elements.Enjoy sis!:loveliness:
[url][/url] Need any membership or not?Thx! I think no need as seen in the picture~:) too far away for me,thanks Thanks!will go there tmr...:smilies37: that's good. See if I have time go there. 有無人去左,換到d咩番黎..? leaflet最下面有行細字寫住professional skincare consultation services are for female customers only,即係如果只係要sample x 2 ,同b/f 去就得,要2-weeks sample x2 ,就要同姨媽姑姐去?
TST Lanecrawford個post leaflet 都冇mention此point,但有sis唔得閒叫b/f去就俾ba 勁串加reject話for female only... 我今日會去ELEMENTS,睇下換唔換到返黎再report:smilies27: hard sell ma? [quote]原帖由[i]happyshiri[/i]於2009-8-15 04:09 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
leaflet最下面有行細字寫住professional skincare consultation services are for female customers only,即係如果只係要sample x 2 ,同b/f 去就得,要2-weeks sample x2 ,就要同姨媽姑姐去?
TST Lanecrawford個post ...[/quote]
如果female 做埋test 可以一次過換埋sample +2-weeks sample :smilies19: 高檔品牌+高檔地方~不hard sell .今日去換左,只是問你一些護膚問題.如你唔買都唔會黑面.
另外,買滿$1,800 有一套旅行裝送(支裝,不是一包包),而買滿$3,xxx 又另一set 旅行裝送,平是不會有,ba 話因新開張.真是有d 心郁郁.