sasa 優惠- bb cream/睫毛液/眼線筆/遮瑕霜(至8月20日)
[img][/img]今期有好多化妝 大平賣wo!! SANA 隻遮霞好冇用架? beauty tech comcealer was said very good,any one used it b4,plz? i want to know which sasa have the kpalette eyeliner?????I went to mk but none 有冇SIS可以推介邊隻BB CREAM好用...(油性皮膚)...因為很多人用到出粒粒... 可惜胭脂無優惠><" beauty tech ice cream concealer was highly recommend in many forums 唔啱我...but thxthx..
回覆3# valentina 的帖子