cosmopolitian 送左1 個福袋+sa sa 乾粉+唇膏+biotherm whitening serum ($460)+m 巾
Cosmo Girl 送左clinique moisture surgar ($330)+福袋
個人認為好過elle and jessica~~:loveliness:
(唔好思意,因為唔識貼圖,so post blog link,share 俾大家)
[url][/url] 我尋日12:XX去到,見到COSMO是日精選有幾支SERUM都OK,行左去ELLE到訂完再返黎,COSMOo的GIFT都係差唔多,揀左一陣就要左支Caudulie Vinoperfect radiance serum,因為我本身用過呢個BRAND都覺得幾好。點知我俾完錢,返去攞GIFT時,見到佢係咁拎o的la prairie,Chanel eye cream同Lancome Absolute o的貴野出黎,支支都成千蚊,有兩個阿太係咁係到'捕'住,新gift 一出就即刻搶左黎睇,哎~~我當時好後悔做咩唔等多5分鐘呢!咁就可以有支Clarins o既Younger Longer Balm ($1000)啦。:smilies49:
我個神秘禮物係Ultima II LightCaptor-C concentrate 15ml,我唔多鍾意呢個BRAND,呢支野好唔好用架?:smilies19: [quote]原帖由[i]christylei[/i]於2009-7-25 20:27 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
我見D 呢個POST D SIS 有兩支HANDCREAM 今日睇得一支@O@ 成份野都細分左...
今日訂左ELLE...靚果D都無晒不過都OKAY 抵訂佢都有福袋~....同神秘禮品
三支B ...[/quote]
我COSMO 個福袋有兩支HANDCREAM喎,仲有Paul &Joe light cleansing milk 25ml ,Body shop 2.5ml mascara,3 支Lancome BlancExpert serum etc,我覺得都OK喎,同ELLE 差唔多啦,不過我最開心係有Paul&Joe,sample 都好靓。 今日訂咗cosmopolitan,因為見到lancome spot eraser,total攞到:
lancome spot erasr 30ml
福袋(lancome spot eraser 5ml x3 +body shop lip gloss 6ml,loccitane hand cream 15ml x 3,潤唇膏+十幾包唔同既sample)
vichy 30ml cleansing
神秘gift 係crest 電動牙刷
今日既gift唔錯,有雪花秀與潤mask (有2-3枝),cle de peau lotion (2枝),大量kenzo大枝香水,仲可以睇中咗gift,hold 起先慢慢俾錢...我記得好似有人話想要雪花秀,不妨一看
回覆74# kongjoanna 的帖子
我今日,十二點幾去過,都無正禮物...你係幾點去呀? 今日去左counter睇,cosmo是日精選有好多貴價香水(over HK$400 each),e.g.moschino 50ml,suggest you all go VERY EARLY in morning each day to choose the 是日精選 [quote]原帖由[i]sorpigshan[/i]於2009-7-27 00:11 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
around 1:15..長期有好多大枝香水,cdp/ lancome/ 雪花秀就企咗一陣先出 我1兩點去都見唔到以上講果d brand,望左好耐望佢快d出新野,都冇既....
香水就大把 好野一出就無,個個一見到個brand ok都會即刻叫staff攞黎睇,基本上正既skincare唔會喺個玻璃櫃度放超過5分鐘
如果唔係太趕時間,suggest企幾分鐘,等新gift 絕對同意
GIRL個邊送得好少GIFT 喳訂一年 其實我入去個時,未夠十二點已經去睇左一次,仲等左一陣,
:smilies18: i want 雪花秀與潤mask:smilies53: dun know last day hv it or not....... I ordered 1yr Cosmopolitan on Sat.
Gift:Gautineau 50ml MELATOGENINETM SUNCARE - ANTI-AGING CREAM HIGH PROTECTION SPF 50 +2ml de-wrinkle stick (Total around $800,need to go to CWB to take the product).
The SPF50 cream should be a new product. I noted in magazine in May/ June.
Secret gift:150ml Shishedo cleansing oil
P.s.:when the time I was in the booth,there has a Estee Launder body loction which cost more than $1000,but not suitable for me,so I gave back to the staff