昨日出langham place見佢派的 .我睇右下角的日期是31/08/2009.
attached file 係我scan出來的.
[attach]20612[/attach] 我都有呀. 但係有無話用列印本都ok呢?
可以試下既....~ 佢一做roadshow就派架啦:smilies46: D BA hard sell到令人厭惡,而家收到邀請卡都費事去啊 佢經常都會派
even 冇roadshow 都試過派
but 我次次都冇理佢便走佬 SK II 好hard sell 的....
我問佢...咁你有冇sample 俾我試ar??
佢話冇晒...又話d sample 得個小小,試唔到效果...係咁叫人買一支試仲好...
我睬佢都生漬....:smilies30: SK II 真係超hard sell ,所以都係唔去喇~~:smilies03: SK II is too hard sell.They will say no stock after skin test.However,if you buy their product,BA say give you some samples after purchase.
:smilies38: SKII TOO hardsell,always ask people to buy their NO.1 SUPER product 神仙水......need to reject over 15 mins may give you cleansing milk and turn black face at the end. 吓d ba咁hard sell,都係唔去好過去la 有攞到張leaflet不過冇去攞sample,因為太趕時間喇.....加上有排啦,有去開mk先去攞啦 [quote]原帖由[i]penguin8[/i]於2009-7-10 20:52 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
SKII TOO hardsell,always ask people to buy their NO.1 SUPER product 神仙水......need to reject over 15 mins may give you cleansing milk and turn black face at the end.[/quote]
有CLEANSING MILK俾你都好丫,我有次俾佢SELL左好耐,最後乜都無俾呀!!!:smilies60: ba咁hard sell,都係唔去la:smilies38: