我覺得vicky d野幾好用! thanks
回覆20# 1223 的帖子
:smilies40:唔可以就咁post thanks既,會被扣分 我今日經過目見2樓客戶服務台重有好多書,可以任攞。 今日去左換,我用PRINT出黎既ECOUPON
俾佢激死我!!!:smilies34: 幾好WOR
有e coupon,聽日去先~ 又係只有一到可以換好遠ar~~:smilies49: arm arm 攞左,Vichy 係一包1.5 ML 的thermal moisturizer,Jurlique 係一包洗面~~ i got it tonight as well,around 9:40,still many leaflet to collect,i note Jurlique's was closing,so chose not to go there
then go to vichy with the leaflet,BA is nice,gave me sample (i need to leave my name,contact no.and email address),it's whitening essence
but the BA didnt ask me to give her the coupon wor 我都換左Vichy護Skin同埋Jurlique 係一包洗面~~