the ba asked me what toner i want?
I said the new one,then she gave me "Yerba mate tea toner".gd~
and then I asked if it is suitable for acne skin type,then she gave me another one "calendula....tone".2 pack
:smilies54: 我都係見個ba好似百佳敢do份sample
及check你電話wor... [quote]原帖由[i]sarah[/i]於2009-5-15 00:07 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
有冇人試過俾佢check 完,話你以前換過,唔俾架.....?[/quote]
唔會..以前換過都可以換,只係每個優惠攞板最好換一次啦 [quote]原帖由[i]saltedfish[/i]於2009-5-15 00:12 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]
festival walk never check ~
the ba asked me what toner i want?
I said the new one,then she gave me "Yerba mate tea toner".gd~
and then I asked if it is suitable for acne skin type,then she gave me ...[/quote]
你咁好睬.我次次去又一城換,個ba一定check咗電話,之後先至俾sample我 I got Yerba Mate Tea Toner in landmark yesterday.
ba is very nice and never check!
回覆46# Co_co 的帖子
我斱係!次次去換斱要check完才比sample我. 但我昨天係APM換,唔洗CHECK呀.:smilies43: [quote]原帖由[i]lalako[/i]於2009-5-15 11:46 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]我斱係!次次去換斱要check完才比sample我.[/quote]
回覆50# mm88 的帖子
我都係...佢入counter 搞一大輪先俾包野我 [quote]原帖由[i]YY2323[/i]於2009-5-15 11:52 發表[url=][img][/img][/url]但我昨天係APM換,唔洗CHECK呀.:smilies43:[/quote]
apm次次都check我 如果想要金x花toner,佢問你咩膚質時,請答"暗瘡"
另外,有一種toner for美白的,點答先有...我就唔知喇
終於係又一城搵到一個好o既ba....:smilies24: 答混合/偏油都會有金x花toner的~~