Patrizia Pepe春夏Private Sale貨品低至1折(至4月5日)
意大 利品牌春夏Private Sale貨品低至1折;買5件或以上額外9折;
電 話: 37170017
地址: 銅鑼灣告士打道262號鶻利中心 9樓 plz report if any sis went there...thanks!!!!!!:smilies46::smilies46: any report?thx,i want some men's t-shirts or jeans Per advertisement on "More"magazine,the sales will start from Apr 2.
回復4# 的帖子
oh...thanks...i saw the advert....not vy attractive...("more"pg.77) :smilies28:好想去呀.. yesterday went there,accessories are 90%discount,clothes are 85%discount and leather coat are 80%discount.The shoes are really good and sales told me that there will be replenishment today.Worth to see. what is the average price range of shoes and accessories?
I'm quite interested..:smilies17: D款好唔掂,好殘舊係上次賣剩的 :L :(:(:(:(