she送Bust Lift Massage Cream &Coherence Neck Lifting Cream(至3月8日)
Lierac 現優惠she mom 會員,送出Bust Lift Massage Cream(價值HK$90 / 15ml)及價值Coherence Neck Lifting Cream(HK$170 /15ml)體驗裝各乙支;且購物淨額滿HK$400,即可獲得HK$100 折扣優惠,名額每日10 名,只要立即登記,即有機會獲得,先到先得,送完即止[url][/url]
:smilies25: 我,,,,,好想要尿片比亞b(表妹)呀:smilies53:有冇人中上期既尿片???500個名額我一個都唔中:smilies53:
回復 2# chacha610 的帖子
好似有張新帖話BB用品特價. 收到email中左:smilies43:回復4# bearson 的帖子
中尿片???我中左Bust Lift Massage Cream &Coherence Neck Lifting Cream.....
bearson 豐胸.....正喎:smilies43:
回復5# chacha610 的帖子
回復6# bearson 的帖子
一樽查胸既,一樽查頸~不過呢個牌子好似係比孕婦生完BB用~我都係送比人既~:smilies44:我用左都唔覺:smilies45: 哈哈講笑回復7# chacha610 的帖子
咁...睇下佢拎唔拎:smilies67: 連身份號碼都要俾佢我唔參加啦 good,i've received the email!
Go to Watson's in Central to get it
Thx! 我都中左呀....唔知去唔去拎好呀...
未生過仔用唔用得架=.=" 我都中左...