Organiklabels -free samples for new member
For a limited of time,become a member of Organiklabels,you will received a FREE deluxe sample pack.For more details,please see the website.^.^
[url][/url] friend register 2 days be4 and she received it today~vy efficient!!^^ 這個我在另一個論壇..見到...........
也申請了:smilies38:但不知何時收到... armarm apply左~
唔知有冇sample送呢:p they'll send to the address u've given~~
my fd receive samples after 2 days...but i dunno wht r the samples...
plz tell us if u guys receive it~~thz!!! thanks
不過,今日登記...都可能過完年先有lu~ 我都登記左lu,唔知會有d咩野呢!
回復 4# lilianlam 的帖子
what did she received? 呢個係咩牌子黎架?:smilies44: 0係另外一個forum 0既消息:最初登記係話有3個月份量0既sample
之後,full 0左
最近登記0既sis,收到0既係3包sample:smilies38: 你地收到未呀?? 咁多日都未收到:smilies15:
be sis 2日就收到了:smilies07: 都未收到 我都未收到:smilies38: samesamesame...
they ran out of sample??