Chloe-See BY Chloe開倉減價,低至一折[attach]10682[/attach] 唔收Cash?
Ony visa and master card accepted<--
btw;see by chloe 個d野好鬼靚。 Thanks.
just show the printout and get entry??
回復3# 0--0的帖子
yes,,just print it out回復1# young 的帖子
thx...多謝晒....:smilies17: :smilies47: THANK YOU!!! :smilies37:多謝分享~~haha,一定要睇睇 Many thanks!:smilies43: 我唔繫香港嘎~所以想問下呢個開倉減價繫邊搞嘎?點去??chloe
thank you 係唔係減完都好貴? 我都想請教下,減完大約幾錢呀?以袋黎計 袋幾折? Hope is not too expensive after discount....
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